Machine Last Update: Oct 25, 2016
Name Universal grinding machines-TU/P 200 - 150 - 400/1000 Series
Status New
Type Grinding machines - universal
Price unknown
Description Adjustable levelling rail machines with horizontal and universal spindles and reciprocating table motion
Cross transverse capacity: 2500 mm
Vertical capacity: 2000 mm
Longitudinal capacity: 4000 ÷ 16000 mm
Power of universal spindle motor: 38 kW
Swivelling range: 110°
Power of horizontal spindle motor: Standard 50 kW - Optional 80 kW
Universal wheel diameter: 610 mm
Horizontal wheel diameter: 750 mm

Company Last Update: Oct 25, 2016
Responsible Commercial Manager
Phone 007 495 792 5775
Total: 1 Images