Company Last Update: Jun 7, 2016
Name F.Nencini Srl
Responsible Carlo Bozzolan
Locations Italy
Phone +39 0577 930880
Description Initially producing air valves for hydraulic power plant and discharge valves for potable and irrigation water pipelines, we expanded our production to include large energy-dissipating valves for hydraulic power plants, and discharge valves
for dams.

Our manufacturing knowledge and expertise is reinforced by the deep understanding
of cavitation and vibration phenomena.

Control Valves
Nencini designs and manufactures Double Flanged Sleeve Valves, Altitude Control Valves and Needle Valves to control flow rate and pressure.

Air Valves
Nencini designs and manufactures Air Release Valves, Vacuum Breakers and Combination Air Valves to manage the air in water mains.

Discharge Valves
Nencini designs and manufactures Double Flanged Sleeve Valves and engineers the stilling basin for residual dissipation. Nencini designs and manufactures Fixed Cone Valves.

On Off Valves
Nencini designs and manufactures Butterfly Valves, Ball and Spherical valves for Hydroelectric Power Plants and for water systems. Nencini designs and manufactures Large Size Gates for Hydroelectric Power Plants and Non-Slamming Non-Return Valves (Piston Type).

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