Company Last Update: Apr 9, 2022
Name Beston Group
Responsible beston maquina
Description Nuestra empresa cuenta con tecnología de reciclaje de basura madura y completa. Puede reciclar basura urbana, residuos de lodos, residuos industriales (residuos de caucho, residuos de plásticos, residuos de aceites, asfalto, biomasa, etc.) sin contaminación. De esta manera, nuestras máquinas de reciclaje convierten los residuos en nueva energía con grandes beneficios económicos.

egg tray machine
It is one of our best selling products. With the advantages of low cost and environmental friendliness, pulp molded products are widely used to protect eggs, fruits and other items during transportation. Beston specializes in the design and manufacture of various types of molding machines to meet different customer needs. Besides superior performance, our equipment also has perfect after-sales service and reasonable price.
bandejas de huevos
The program for creating egg cartons is identical, regardless if you are creating a few hundred an hour, or if you have to produce thousands one hour instead. Even though systems can vary in size, they will function in the same manner, configured to work in a similar manner. If you do not have one of these machines, you may not realize what percentage of these you can actually produced. When you have recently acquired a new chicken farm, or if perhaps you just need to replace one that you might have, you may be more well off by utilizing one of the latest Beston egg carton machines on the market today.