Last Update: Jun 7, 2016
Nuova M.G.
0172 89521
Headquartered in Sommariva Bosco, in Piedmont, Nuova MG was founded in 1995, behind the wake of the Officina Meccanica MG, founded in 1969 by Claudio Margaria, with the aim to manufacture and market hydraulic cylinders. That of the hydraulic cylinders , also known as hydraulic jacks, is the key area where Nuova MG operates today and which has specific experience, which allows the company, led by the family Margaria, to offer a catalog componentistico preconceived near new projects, which go to cover a range of components of varying size.
If components in the catalog consolidate the work done over the years, the special projects are the result of orders from customers operating in various fields of applied mechanics, such as industrial machinery, trucks and other vehicles.
The specialization in the field of hydraulic cylinders has always characterized us, in a market consisting of mainly Italian and a clientele that requires careful planning to the quality of components and strictly respectful of specific functional goals. With about sixty people who work at the company, leave the plant every year about 20000 new MG hydraulic cylinders. What amazes immediately inside the plant is the level of automation , which reflected the presence of a large fleet of machine tools and machining centers, some of which are customized for the execution of an entire production cycle, from raw material to the component finished.manned by trained personnel , are about thirty centers CNC operating at the plant, from turning to 5-axis milling, but there are robotic welding. If the latter cells, which is particularly due to the technological history of New MG, are entrusted quality objectives in the welding cycle, the operating speed and high production volumes, is the complete team of machine tools made ??in the field that is given a central role in the production of the cylinders. At 5-axis machines continuously, in particular, are assigned specific tasks related to the order of particular components, which often require complex machining and unconventional.