Company Last Update: Jun 29, 2016
Name Coesia SpA
Responsible Alberto Perego
Locations Italy
Phone +39 051 6474111
Description COESIA is a group of innovation-based industrial solutions companies operating globally, headquartered in Bologna, Italy and fully owned by Isabella Seràgnoli.
Coesia’s companies are leaders in the sectors of advanced automated machinery and materials, industrial process solutions and precision gears.

Coesia’s customers are leading players in a broad range of industries, including consumer goods, tobacco, healthcare, aerospace, racing & automotive and electronics. The history of the Group is founded on the passion for innovation, technological excellence and international vocation that have made it a beacon of excellence on the ever more competitive global marketplace. Innovation is part of human evolution and Coesia invests over 5% of turnover in R&D every year.

Coesia’s companies are: ACMA, ADMV, CIMA, CITUS KALIX, FLEXLINK, G.D, GDM, HAPA, IPI, NORDEN, R.A JONES, SACMO, SASIB, VOLPAK. The Group has 88 operating units (54 of which with production facilities) in 34 countries, a turnover in 2015 of 1,534 million Euro and 6,000 employees.

Tube filler - controller governs 92 axes of motion
What do you get when you deploy 92 servo motors on a tube-filling machine? At Norden, a part of the Coesia Group, you get a machine that fills 850 toothpaste tubes/min.